Argyll and Bute

Argyll and Bute wedding venues, Tying The Knot have extensive photos, wedding offers, wedding fayre info, late availability dates and full contact details for Scottish wedding venues. With venues to match every budget and style, whether it be a boutique city centre hotel, a large country house, or stunning castle, please take a look at the wonderful wedding venues in the Scotland below for your special day.

You can either scroll through those in your county and region or use our unique “Argyll and Bute Wedding Venue Packages Finder” facility to specify what you want. Then we will aid you in finding the perfect venue for your special day.

All Venues

Wedding Venue Finder Service

Scotland wedding venuefinder

In order to help you research and plan your wedding day, we can arrange for you to receive the latest brochures and current wedding venue offers from your preferred venues or based on your preferred locations. — THIS SERVICE IS COMPLETELY FREE

Full Venue Details Offers & Availability

Bridge of Orchy Hotel

Bridge of Orchy Hotel

Few hotels in Scotland can offer the unique highland charm and stunning setting that The Bridge of Orchy Hotel can.

Full Venue Details Offers & Availability

Ardanaiseig Hotel

ardanaiseig hotel weddings

The Perfect Setting—Picture an intimate wedding, with a backdrop of breathtaking mountain scenery, tranquil loch views and wildly romantic gardens.

Full Venue Details Offers & Availability