Musselburgh Wedding venues, Tying The Knot have extensive photos, wedding offers, wedding fayre info, late availability dates and full contact details for Scottish wedding venues. With venues to match every budget and style, whether it be a boutique city centre hotel, a large country house, or stunning castle, please take a look at the wonderful wedding venues in the Scotland below for your special day.
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Leonardo Hotel Edinburgh Murrayfield
Set on a hill top location with fantastic views, yet not too far from the sites and sounds of Edinburgh city itself. The Leonardo Hotel Edinburgh Murrayfield’s modern and fresh interior will wow your guests, along with enjoying the fine hospitality.
Principal Edinburgh George Street, The
Edinburgh George Street , located on fashionable George Street in Edinburgh's historic New Town is ideally situated for easy access to all the city's amenities and attractions.
Village The Hotel Club Edinburgh
All eyes are on you. This is your moment. Your nearest and dearest gathered, you hold in your tears of happiness, take a deep breath.