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Wedding Venue Finder in Scotland
In order to help you research and plan your special day, Wedding Venues in Scotland can arrange for you to receive brochures & offers from wedding venues in your preferred area(s). Please answer the following questions as much as possible to ensure we only provide you with relevant information. (This service is completely free)
1st Choice Date (Required)
DD dash MM dash YYYY
2nd Choice Date (Optional)
DD dash MM dash YYYY
Select up to 2 of your preferred areas for your wedding venue location?
1st Choice Area Option
Please Select
Edinburgh, Lothian and Borders
Greater Glasgow and the Southwest
Gretna Green / Southern Scotland
Loch Lomond and Ayrshire
The Grampian Region
The Scottish Highlands and Islands
2nd Choice Area Option
Please Select
Edinburgh, Lothian and Borders
Fife, Angus and Perthshire
Greater Glasgow and the Southwest
Gretna Green / Southern Scotland
Loch Lomond and Ayrshire
The Grampian Region
The Scottish Highlands and Islands
Guest Numbers (Day/Eve)
Preferred Day(s) to Get Married?
Dates in next 12 months
Preferred Wedding Offer (Optional)
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Inclusive Set Price Offers
2024 Availability Offers
2025/26 Availability Offers
Winter Wedding Offers
Mon-Thurs Wedding Offers
Approx. Venue/Offer Budget (Optional)
Please Select
£5,000 to £7,500
£7,500 to £10,000
Engaged Couple Names
House Number
Email Address
Email Address Confirmation
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